Thursday, 30 April 2009

A better world?

"We are a Nation of Thieves and Lying is the Common Language"

- I heard this quote not long ago. And it is true, sad to say. For some contries it is more true and more prevalent than others but basically it is true for any and all nations that I know of.

You might say, that your in your nation, thieving and lying is only done in small an insignificant ways. In "The Parable of the Talents" (Matt 25:14-30) it says in verses 21 and 23 "His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'". So if you are stealing and lying in small things, wouldn't you be the unfaithful servant?

The only way this world can be changed into a more trustworthy place, where justice is the order of the day rather than chaos and unjustice, is if we, You and I, start with ourselves. That is, if I start to make a change in the way I am, I can change my life and make others trust me.

You might say that one cannot make a change take place in the world. But it can make a world of change in your life, in your world, if you change. And it will make a change in my world, if I make a change in my life.

So the important question is not "Who will make a change in this world, making it a better world?". Rather it is "Will I make a change in my life, my world."

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