Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Human Sacrifice is on the rise

Human sacrifice is on an alarming increase. Children are abducted and killed because of the lust or want for money, success and fame.

We as parents try our best to protect our children. We do not entrust them to anybody without making sure (as well as we can) that they will not harm them.

We take precautions that we normally would not have allowed. Girls get their ears pierced before they are 9 weeks old. Boys get circumcised as babies. Why? To make them unsuitable for ritual rites and sacrifices.

But God wants us and our children to be free. HIS Son was sacrificed so that the only sacrifice we have to bring is to give Him our hearts and our will.

In the name of Jesus Christ, I bless each and everyone of our children. I call upon the power of God to save our children.

If You have lost a loved one, a child, a sibling to human sacrifice - please understand and know that children are innocent in the eyes of The Lord. So even if someone used your child or your brother or sister for a ritual, your child or sibling is safe in the arms of our Almighty God in His Heaven.

I also bless those who sacrifice children and those who pays other to do so. Why? Not to reinforce and condone child sacrifice. Far from it. But in the Holy Name of the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords I ask His blessings on them that they may see his Love and thus the error of their ways.

Saul was one of the most bitter enemies of Christians but was met by Christ on the road to Damascus. On that day his life was changed and he went from Saul the mighty persecutor of Christ's followers to Paul, maybe the biggest Apostle, changing many lives even today.

Never give up on someone and never underestimate the power and influence of The Holy Ghost!

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