Public Transport – Kampala Style! Part Three
This is the third part of a three part series I am writing on Public Transport in Kampala, Uganda.
In parts one and two we have covered Taxis and Bodo-Bodas. In this third and final part we will cover Cabs and Special hires.
Generally there are two cab companies in Kampala; Yellow Cab and Blu-Cruise (or Blue Cab) (going to and from Entebbe is also the Airport Taxis). Both operate in much the same way. They have a meter that will calculate the cost of the fare. However you can arrange for a fixed fare before you set out on your journey. Usually it will pay to accept the offer that the driver comes up with, especially when there is a lot of traffic. But if You know someone with local knowledge, please ask them, what the fare ought to be. That way you will not be duped. Both companies have vehicles parked at popular places, like Garden City and Lugogo Mall and other places around town.
From my personal experience, I like Blue-Cab (Blu-Cruise) better because I have been treated in a more honest way than the Yellow Cab drivers I have met.
Special Hires
Special Hires are private persons that offer to transport you from A to B. The vehicle is privately owned, often either the drivers own personal car or one he has borrowed.
A price is arranged before the trip, just as with the fixed fare with the Cabs.
It is not only transport of persons that can be arranged. Pickup trucks and larger trucks if you need to move goods.
Special Hires are all over town. They are not regulated in any way, as they are really an individual, private initiative.
Generally, at least for personnal (not goods) transport it is the most expensive solution, but offers vary from a simple (and sometimes worn out), personally owned car to a company owned luxury car.
good pointer...If i ever use cabs i'll be sure to hail the blue ones